Course curriculum

  • 1


  • 2

    An Introduction to Usui Reiki

    • Introduction

    • Personal Reflection

    • Self-Discovery Statement

  • 3

    Lesson 1 The Universal Life Force

    • Reiki The Universal Life Force

    • 10 Things That Weaken Life Energy

  • 4

    Lesson 2 What Is Reiki

    • What Is Reiki?

    • Reiki Kanji Explained

    • Vibrations of Life Energy

  • 5

    Lesson 3 How Reiki Works & The Chakras

    • How Reiki Works

    • What Are The Chakras?

    • The Seven Major Chakra Centers

    • Reiki-Chakra Handout Diseases

    • Chakra Cheat Sheet

  • 6

    Lesson 4 The History of Reiki

    • The History Of Reiki

    • The True Life of Dr. Mikao Usui

  • 7

    Lesson 5 The Reiki Principles

    • The 5 Reiki Principles

    • Just For Today I Will Not Be Angry

    • Just For Today I Will Not Worry

    • Just For Today I Will Be Grateful

    • Just For Today I Will Work Honestly

    • Just For Today I Will Be Kind to All Living Beings

    • Meditation on the Five Reiki Principles

    • Reiki Principles Printout

  • 8

    Lesson 6 Pillars of Reiki

    • Three Pillars of Reiki

    • Gassho: Meditation

    • Reiji-Ho: Indication of Reiki Energy

    • Chiryo: Treatment

  • 9

    Lesson 7 Reiki Techniques

    • Reiki Techniques

    • Byosen: Scanning

    • Byosen Example

    • Kenyoku: Dry Bathing

    • Kenyoku Example

    • Joshin Kokyuu-Ho: Breathing the Light

  • 10

    Lesson 8 Preparing For Reiki 1

    • The Path to Reiki

    • The Initiation Ceremony or Attunement

    • Preparing for the Initiation/Attunement

    • The Morning of the Initiation/Attunement

    • What Happens During The Initiation?

    • What Happens After Initiation?

    • Schedule Your Initiation/Attunement

    • Ways to Use Reiki After the Attunement

  • 11

    Lesson 9 Anatomic Illustrations

    • Anatomic Illustrations for Reiki

    • The Endocrine System

    • Reiki & The Endocrine System

    • The Lymphatic System

  • 12

    Lesson 10 Reiki Self Treatment

    • Reiki Self Treatment

    • How Reiki can Help You

    • How To Treat Yourself With Reiki

    • Self-Treatment Hand Positions

  • 13

    Lesson 11 Preparing to Treat Others

    • Appropriate Environment

    • Remove All Jewelry

    • Remove Tight Clothing

    • Avoid Alcohol & Caffeine

    • Personal Hygiene

    • The Invocation

    • Cleanse and Harmonize Your Clients Aura

  • 14

    Lesson 12 Treating Others with Reiki

    • A Few Notes Before Your Begin

    • Beginning The Treatment


    • Finishing the Treatment

  • 15

    Lesson 13 Rapid Reiki

    • Rapid Reiki Treatment

  • 16

    Lesson 14 The Ultradian Rhythm Technique

    • What Is The Ultradian Rhythm

    • How to Balance the Ultradian Rhythm

  • 17

    Lesson 15 Group Reiki

    • The Benefits of Group Treatment

    • Guidelines for Conducting a Group Treatment

  • 18

    Lesson 16 Pregnancy, Babies, & Children

    • Pregnancy

    • Babies

    • Children

  • 19

    Lesson 17 Souls Crossing Over

    • Reiki Brings Comfort to Souls Crossing Over

    • Working With People Who Are Dying

  • 20

    Lesson 18 Use Your Imagination

    • Reiki and Animals

    • Plants and Vegetation

    • Food and Drink

    • Further Uses for Reiki

  • 21

    Lesson 19 Final Thoughts

    • Final Thoughts

    • Your Reiki Lineage

    • Continue Your Studies

    • Attunement journal

    • Your Reiki Shoden Certificate

    • Invitation to Reiki Okuden Level II

  • 22

    Extras, Journals & Charts

    • Attunement Journal

    • 21 Day Reiki Detox Journal

    • Human Reiki Chart 1

    • Human Reiki Chart 2

    • Dog Reiki Chart

    • Cat Reiki Chart